EHPA Food Forum 2022
It is with great pleasure that EHPA’s Food Safety and Security Special Interest Group invites you to attend the 2022 EHPA Food Forum. There is so much happening in the food sphere at the moment, and the EHPA Food Forum is a great way to stay up to date with current and emerging food safety and security trends, issues and information.
We are pleased to have the support of the Victorian Government Department of Health as a sponsor of the forum and appreciate this ongoing partnership for the advancement of environmental health professionals.
The Details
We anticipate over 100 EHPA members joining us for the 2022 EHPA Food Forum at the Angliss Conference Centre, 555 Latrobe Street Melbourne, on Wednesday 14th September 2022. Registration will commence at 8.30 am for a 9.30 am forum start and a 3.30 pm finish to allow for delegate travel from around Victoria.
The full-day registration cost is $250 for EHPA members and $350 for non-members. The registration covers day catering for a range of dietary requirements. Please register as soon as possible as numbers are limited, and complete the information regarding dietary needs. Payment can be made by credit card or by invoice on request.
Due to catering commitments, refunds for cancellations can only be provided if seven days’ notice is provided.
The William Angliss Institute is conveniently located a short walk down Latrobe Street from
Flagstaff Station (See Map).
Public Transport
For more information on public transport options, view ptv.vic.gov.au or Ph 13 16 38
There is an extensive range of accommodation in Melbourne to suit all budgets. The best deals are usually found online.
Queries or for further information
Contact the EHPA Food Forum 2022 secretariat Robyn Smith robyn.smith@ehpa.org.au
The Program
The program will kick off with a session around listeria with our keynote presenter Dr. Tom Ross, an internationally recognised Professor in food microbiology, based at the University of Tasmania.
John Rantino, Special Counsel Public Law Maddocks will present a case study around the highly publicised case of a salmonella outbreak in customers who ate at a food buffet at Melbourne’s Langham Hotel in 2015.
Presentations and workshops include: Ashley Townsend, Program Manager, Digital Systems, Food Safety for the Department of Health will provide a Food Trader update; Kellie Watson, Director of FareShare will outline how to achieve and maintain HACCP certification in the food relief sector; Gabrielle Cook, Manager, Science, Surveillance & Technical Services at Dairy Food Safety Victoria will talk about the revised Compendium of Microbiological Criteria for Foods; Gabrielle Allen, Senior Food Science Officer, and Stephanie Reid, Food Safety Officer for the Department of Health & Human Services Victoria will overview the “Free From” survey results and compliance. The final session of the forum will be an update of the review of Victorian food regulations by Caragh Reynolds, Principal Project Officer, Food Safety for the Department of Health.
EHPA Food Forum 2022 committee members | |
Samantha Crowe | Greater Shepparton City Council |
Troy Schonknecht | City of Monash |
Rachel Juras | Manningham Council |
Melanie Holmes | City of Yarra |